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Welcome To Redeemer Fellowship Church

We are so glad you're here!

in-person worship and livestream

Sundays At 10:30 am

Redeemer Fellowship Church is a group of diverse Christians, who share a common identity in Jesus Christ. We desire to glorify God and proclaim His gospel throughout Evansville and to the ends of the earth.


a little about us

Who We Are


Redeemer is a reformed Baptist church that exists to leave a legacy of faith by loving people and engaging our culture to the glory of God. 

We are a church that is passionate about reaching the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a church that is passionate about spurring one another on to grow in spiritual maturity through Bible study, regular fellowship, and discipleship.






Est. 2016

Image by Ben White


Redeemer Fellowship Church meets every Sunday morning at 10:30 am.


Our address is:

7501 Hogue Rd.

Evansville, Indiana 47712

United States


What To Expect

We know that going to a new church is stressful. At Redeemer, we want to make the experience encouraging and stress-free for you and your family. Our services are about an hour and fifteen minutes. We sing uplifting worship songs, read portions of Scripture together, and hear a biblically-centered sermon from one of our pastors. At Redeemer, we also take the Lord’s Supper every week to celebrate our union with Christ and each other.

Image by Ben White
Image by Priscilla Du Preez

For Your Kids

Our Redeemer Kids team is excited to serve your children. We are committed to providing a safe, clean, and fun environment for your children to learn about the Bible. We provide care in our nursery for infants and toddlers during our Sunday service. They may be checked in at the nursery downstairs before service starts. We also provide a Bible-centered ministry for your children ages Pre-K through 5th grade during the service. Check your child in before service at the children's check-in table upstairs and then bring your children with you to the worship service. We will dismiss them to go to the Redeemer Tots and Kids classes with our children's ministry volunteers before the sermon begins. If you wish to keep your children with you, they are welcome to remain in the service.


life of the church


Image by Naassom Azevedo

Get Involved

Check out what is happening at Redeemer!

Image by Sincerely Media


We believe as a church that we are called to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (Eph 4:12). Because of this, it is our hope to see every saint that attends Redeemer grow to maturity in Christ. You can learn more about getting involved in discipleship by clicking here.


Sermon From Last Week

The Elect: Followers and Worshipers of Yahweh: Genesis 12:4-9


Current Sermon Series

Join us every Sunday morning at 10:30 am as we walk through our sermon series from Genesis.


our values

1. Christ - Everything that Redeemer does should reflect Christ. He receives the glory from our actions.


2. Character - A collection of people, who are transformed and filled by the Holy Spirit, results in Christ-centered character.


3. Community - Christ said the world will know Him by our love for one another. Our unity as one people in Christ exposes the culture around us to the beauty of the gospel.


4. Commission - Christ commissioned His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. A church which is Christ-centered is driven to fulfill Christ’s commission by reflecting Christ and following His command to share the gospel with those who have not heard- both locally and abroad.

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