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Image by Rémi Walle

Contact Us

we would love to hear from you

Contact Form

If you have any questions about Redeemer Fellowship Church and/or would like to know more about us, please fill out the contact form below and we will respond shortly. We would love the opportunity to communicate with you!

Reason for Inqury:

Thank you for reaching out! We will be in touch shortly.

Image by Aaron Burden

do you have a question?


Coming to a new church for the first time can be stressful. We want to help you feel as comfortable as possible. Below are some frequently asked questions that give more details about Redeemer Fellowship Church.


Where are you located?

Redeemer Fellowship Church is located on the west side of Evansville. Our address is 7501 Hogue Rd. Evansville, IN 47712.

We offer a nursery for children ages newborn-Pre-K. You may drop off any children in this age group in the nursery downstairs before service starts or at any time during the service. There is also a nursing mothers room available in the back of the sanctuary.


For children ages Pre-K- 5th grade, they will stay in the service for the beginning worship portion and then will be dismissed to go to their classroom downstairs before the sermon starts. Our Redeemer Kids volunteers will teach a lesson from the Praise Factory Curriculum, review the unit's "Big Truth," and teach through our Catechism Questions. The kids will also get to play games that reiterate the lesson and have a snack.  


What should I wear?

We invite you to come as you are in whatever clothing makes you comfortable. At Redeemer, you will see a wide variety of styles from casual shirts and jeans to dresses and ties. 


What is the service like?

Our worship service begins with a call to worship followed by singing and responsive readings which include: a prayer of confession, a declaration of pardon, and a prayer of offering. After this, we listen to a sermon, take the Lord's Supper, sing a final song, and we end with a benediction. The total service time is about 1 hour and 15 minutes.


How do I get involved?

We would love for you to attend our Sunday morning service. In addition to that, we also have Sunday night service once a month, growth groups that meet throughout the month in people's homes, men's and women's groups and events, and a bi-monthly church history class.


What does it mean to be a member?

At Redeemer, we believe membership to a local church is very important. Because of this, we regularly offer membership classes where you can learn the specifics of what it takes to become a member. 


What will my child be doing?

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