By Rhonda Wheeler

During the month of Oct. and beginning of Nov., Light Collective at USI conducted a survey asking students about their theological beliefs.
Theology is the study of God and religious beliefs. 103 students responded to the survey. Of that, about 78% of people identified as Christians, 8.7% said they were not, and 12.6% of people said they may be Christian.
The survey asked 27 questions total about a variety of things, salvation and the Holy Trinity, hell and acceptance and other things.
** Please note that the graphs below consist of overall results and the information below it divides the answers from Christians, non-Christians and people who might be Christians.**
Some of the most interesting results included:

For this question, 26% of Christians said this was true, 36% said this was false and 38%, the majority, are unsure about this answer.
66% of non-Christians said this was true, 22% said this was false and 11% were unsure.
For those who might be Christians, 46% said this is true, 15% said false and 38% said they were unsure.

For this question, only 1% of Christians said this was true. 72% said this was false and 23% of Christians were unsure.
11% of non-Christians said this was true, 66% said this was false and 22% were unsure.
Of those who might be Christians, 8% said this was true, 15% said false and 77% of those who might be Christians weren’t sure.

31% of Christians said this was true. 52% said this was false and 17% were unsure.
For those who are not Christians, 89% said this was true and 11% said this was false.
Those who might be Christians, 54% of them said this was true. 31% said this was false and 15% were unsure.

20% of Christians said this was true, 65% said it was not and the other 15% were unsure.
78% of non-Christians said this was true and 11% said this was false and 11% of people were unsure.
54% of people who said they might be Christians said this was true, 8% said it was false and 38% of people said it was true.

16% of Christians said this was true. 67% said it was false and 15% were unsure.
For non-Christians, 78% of people believed this was false and 22% of people were unsure.
15% of those who might be Christians said this was true, 46% of them said this was false and 38% were unsure.

Of people who identified as Christians, 64% said this was true, 20% said false and 16% of people were unsure.
89% of non-Christians said this was false and 11% were unsure.
For those who might be Christians, 54% of people said this was false and 46% said they were unsure.

90% of Christians believe this is true, 2% said it was false and 6% were unsure.
56% of non-Christians said this was true, 22% believed it was false and 22% were unsure.
54% of those who might be Christians believe this was true, 8% said false and 38% were unsure.
I believe the most interesting part about this is how many Christians were unsure about things relating to worship, the Bible and the Holy Trinity. Even though we are college students, we should actively be looking for areas to grow in our faith. If you’re not part of a church, I highly suggest getting involved. Going to church can help you grow more than you could do on your own. Growth and learning about God’s word doesn’t have to wait until after school.